Mount Bures Community Web Site
History of the Poor House
Reprint courtesy of "Mount Bures it`s Lands and People" dated 1996.
Solliers lies South of the Thatchers Arms Public House

SOLLIERS alias Sullyers, later the Poor House Mount Bures. A tenement with 6 acres in four parcels, copyhold.

1504. Richard Medow and Anne his wife for Sullyers tenement, formerly John Quilter; Copyhold
1505. Richard Medow to scour his ditch opposite Sulyers leading from Mount Bures to Wakes Golne.
1552. John Squyer, formerly Margaret Jermin widow,, for Sullyers tenement and 6 acres. Field positions described including Garners Tye - as under Rumpes.
1610 John and Jane Potter have a tenement and 3 acres called Sollyers

1614 John Potter died and Widow Potter fnow inherits Solliers.
1635 Thomas and Elizabeth Bumpstead take possesion of half the property
1638. William Potter and his wife Anne Potter ( son of John) took possesion of the tenement and 3 acres at a rental of 20d

They also release one tenement to William Moore of Alphamstone and his wife for a rental of 3s 4d
1641 They surrender to William and Elizabeth Moore of Alphamstone. William died in 1651 when he and Elizabeth also held Akermans ( now Takeleys)
1640. Thomas Bumpstead and wife Elizabeth Culpecke have other half of Sollyers - one tenement 3 acres, rent halved Is. 8d. original house, now probably two tenements.
1653. Thomas Moore, son of William and Elizabeth, now takes over the property with his mother ( 1662 rental shows them holding a portion each)
1662 Thomas Moore for a parcel of Sollyers. John Brett senior and wife Elizabeth, late wife of Thomas Bumpstead, for other parcel of Sollyers
1663. Thomas Bumpstead and Elizabeth Bumpstead surrender to their daughter Susanna, wife of John Moore
1683. Susanna, widow of John Moore, who died 1676 bequeathed Sollyers and the stables only to their son John when it is stated "Thomas Moore's land of Akermans lies to the east", that is present Takeleys.
The same year Court Rolls state that Thomas Moore died 1676 and his son Thomas aged 16 inherits the land comprising of the 3 acres
Ralph Polley now ocupies parcel of Sollyers
1768 Ralph Polley, obtained 3 acres if Sollyers, see Rumpes. He leaves this in his Will to his other daughter Sarah, wife of Charles Newman
1769 Ralph Polley ownes the 3 acres whilst Rose Moore had the tenement and yard
1797 Sarah Stedman, only sister and heir of John Stedman deceased, had Sollyers tenement, now called Akermans, which the family also held in addition to the main Akermans across the lane then held by their relative Thomas Stedman.
1797:- Possible date for the opening of the Poor House
1803. Sarah Stedman surrendered Sollyers dwelling to Charles Newman above, main trustee for the Poor House. Permission to provide one had been granted 1797. Charles already had the other half available. The site is known from hearsay.
1812. Thomas Newman, son of Charles and Sarah for Sollyers lands of 3 acres and tenement. They apparently retained the title to their half.
1841. The Poor House did not last long. It was sold by the Guardians at the Sudbury Union to Mrs Mary Newman, wife of John Newman, miller, and daughter of Philip Salmon of Balls farm
Mary had enfranchised the old Poor House tenement in 1872 for £145.
1889.Caroline bought from her mother Mary Newman. The house is now mainly rebuilt though part of the north end may be original or was possibly a barn attached.

1960s. The Town House (TM) and The Retreat were other names used for Sollyers, until John and Janet Forbes-Hunter re-used the original Sollyersname.

Apparently Sollyers was a double tenement for two centuries before 1797 when it became the Poor House. No registers for the Poor House are known as yet.

This text is based on the handwritten notes of Ida and may differ slightly from what`s published in her book
Her notes were handwwritten in pencil on many pieces of paper, consequently it was very difficult to transcribe them with any accuracy
It is also difficult to know when the names Solliers and Sollyers changed, Ida starts to use
Sollyers from 1610 onwards

Updated 20/10/2015